Ra'anana, Israel – June 16, 2011 Aldec Israel, a leader in mixed RTL simulation and
hardware assisted verification, impressed a large audience at ChipEx 2011 which took place
in May in Tel-Aviv. Aldec’s technical demonstrations, held by Amir Naim, AST Sales
Engineer, attracted an array of engineers and managers. Many visitors were interested to
learn the benefits of Aldec's innovative solutions, for example that the entire verification
process is controlled by the HDL simulator, acceleration is done using the same test bench
as used with regular HDL simulator and the verification process is controlled from the HDL simulator.To learn more, please click here.
Additionally, Aldec Israel was given the honor to hold a presentation on the topic of Interoperable IP Delivery which was authored by Jarek Kaczynski, Aldec Research Engineer, and presented by Ofer Shragay, Sr. FAE from Sital Technologies. This informative presentation is also available as webinar, click here to download.
Aldec Israel was represented by AST, distributor of Aldec's hardware based products (HES (hardware-assisted verification), DO-254 CTS, Microsemi (formerly Actel) prototyping boards and Sital Technologies, distributor of Aldec's software based verification products (Active-HDL, ALINT and Riviera-PRO).
“We were very satisfied with the overall organization and high standard presentations held at the tracks which contributed to the attracting of top class public visiting the event. This event was clearly of great significance to Aldec and to the high tech industry" said Uri Farkash,Aldec Israel country manager.
About Aldec
Aldec, Inc., is an industry-leader in Electronic Design Verification and offers a patented
technology suite including: RTL Design, RTL Simulators, Hardware-Assisted Verification,
Design Rule Checking, IP Cores, DO-254 Functional Verification and Military/Aerospace
solutions. www.aldec.com
About ChipEx
ChipEx is the annual international event of the Israeli semiconductor industry, targeting all those involved with the semiconductor industry including engineers, R&D managers, senior executives, CEOs of fabless semiconductor companies, multinational design centers, consultants, experts, venture capital managers involved with the semiconductor industry as well as students & professors. www.chipex.co.il
Aldec, Active-HDL, ALINT, DO-254 CTS, HES and Riviera-PRO are trademarks of Aldec Inc.
All other trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners
Aldec Israel Contact: Uri Farkash
Mobile +972-52-3897111 Email urif@aldec.co.il
Press Contact: Arielle Adler, AST
Phone +972-9-7744278 ext 304 Email arielle_a@ast.co.il