Cadence Design Systems and Berkeley Design Automation Settle Lawsuit – Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDNS) and Berkeley Design Automation, Inc. (BDA) today announced that the companies have reached a settlement agreement in the case filed by Cadence against BDA last year.
Cadence, the Cadence logo, and Virtuoso are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Analog FastSPICE™, AFS, and BDA are trademarks or registered trademarks of Berkeley Design Automation, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
San Jose, CA., January 22, 2014
As part of the settlement, BDA and Cadence signed a multi-year agreement to support interoperability between BDA’s Analog FastSPICE™ (AFS) Simulator and Cadence’s Virtuoso® Analog Design Environment (ADE) through Cadence’s OASIS interface, and BDA has agreed to pay Cadence an undisclosed amount.