The goal of the course is to expose the students to the theory and practice of modern Circuit design technology. The course is constructed such that it will cover most of relevant aspects of VLSI Circuit design and will emphasize the advantages of effectively using the powerful tools that are offered by EDA vendors.
Who can attend
Electronics Engineers. Target: to become a certified and knowledgeable Junior Circuit Designer
Course duration:
5-6 months, 270 hours – 120 academic hours and 150h work on project hours at home.
Classes Schedule
1 evening class on weekdays (Mon-Thu, 5.30pm-10.00pm), or 1 morning class on Friday (9.00-13.30).
1. Design the library cell or other custom cell as VLSI Circuit Design
Course Grading Criteria
The grading of each student will be measured by the exams and the implementation of the project.
מעוניינים לקבל מידע נוסף או פרטים נוספים – השאירו את פרטיכם ונציגנו יחזור אליכם בהקדם |
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